Came by this today. It's simple and straight forward... but so true.
It read:
Here's to all the real men out there
Boys play house, men build homes
Boys make babies, men raise children
A boy won't raise his own child, a man will raise someone else's
Boys invent excuses for failure, Men produce strategies for success
Boys look for someone to take care of them, men look for somebody to take care of
boys seek popularity, men demand respect and know how to give it
Life doesn't come with an instruction manual. As long as we have occupied this planet we have made the same mistakes over and over again. Not learning from our elders, being foolish and stubborn and egotistical. Such a small and shallow way to live. I don't feel sorry for those that live in poverty but have true love, i feel sorry for those that have everything they could ever want and squander it on nothing... throw out their precious gifts. Live an empty life. I'd rather die young and be poor and have said that i truly loved than to have an empty heart with vast amounts of fake shit around me and live forever.
Why any coward wouldn't want to be a man? i don't know... i can't relate to fear, to selfishness, to excuses, to complications made to dodge all that is real and pure in life, to escape love and the beauty that comes with it.
He once told me: "People create drama and bullshit in their lives because they are so unhappy with their own life, because they are jealous of what we have. "
I ask myself now what happened to that man?
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