Sunday, December 4, 2011


Today I fly
Somewhere new
Virgin eyes with whore's soul
Nervous air holding
My body up
Look over to see you
Flying steadily beside
Watching my every move
As I watch yours
Carefully an old dance starts
Familiar whisks of air
Purified and strained
Magnetic pull of currents
Gusts of warm wings
It's good to land
Embrace new freedom

Saturday, December 3, 2011

sweet life

take you hand and reach right in
with your finger stir my soul

deep and dark the blood will blend
into light that lingers so

take my mind and carry it
hide it in your eyes
See into it, sea right through it
and sail out to mist

take my heavy heart and lay
it on fine glass
Hear it beat with naked eyes
and kiss its' wounds farewell

take my body and do what you will
embrace it's tender skin
within the body lay all four
breathing and gasping for you
sweet life...


Main Entry: 1sac·ri·fice
Pronunciation: \ˈsa-krə-ˌfīs, also -fəs or -ˌfīz\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin sacrificium, from sacr-, sacer + facere to make — more at do
Date: 13th century
1 : an act of offering to a deity something precious; especially : the killing of a victim on an altar
2 : something offered in sacrifice
3 a : destruction or surrender of something for the sake of something else b : something given up or lost

I am

I am hallow
there's nothing there
I am empty
with a constant stare
i am blank
as blank as black
i am nothing
emotions i lack

failed design



i can't function in a two faced world. i need only one. only truth, as hard as it may be. i can't understand people that live two lives. why? it's so exhausting.


if you spend your time playing with children, you will act like a child.
if you spend your time entertaining teenagers, you will think like them.
only "adults" realize that there is a mental barrier between children and adults...
only those lost as adults think like teenagers and regress into infantile behaviors.
unable to control their inner most child. insecure and scared, pathetic... like a 5 year old that wants too much candy because it tastes good. like a teen that is reckless and selfish with their actions and behaviors. it's pathetic , sad and unattractive.

you are what you eat i suppose. i know i could never find anything in common romantically with a boy that's 18-21. Babies that don't know who they are and haven't figured out emotion just yet, not to mention what love is and responsibility. But for some reason the situation reversed is more acceptable. a grown man around 30 let's say,  will entertain a teenage girl; romantically? i could understand the relationship when the little girl is at least in her mid 20's and her partner 10+ her senior... but a teen? just doesn't fit in my mind. just something so sick about it. these little girls just got grass on the playing field, barely. let them explore with an 19 year old boy, discover life together. Instead they want a father figure? i suppose there is a lot i will never understand. i was once that 19 year old getting hit on by men 10-15 years my senior some with power and some fame. i found it disturbing, manipulative and selfish. it had a pedophile vibe to it all.  these desperate older men trying to cling to their youth, afraid to be men, afraid to be with a woman so they can score easier, and manipulate these poor children any which way they want. it's always about control isn't it? trying to stop time. a real woman would see through all the shit. no, can't have that. Men want to have their cake and eat it too, not all... but most. and they do. would stoop as low as screwing a teenage girl...

to blame it on biology would be too easy. we are all capable of using our brain. it's just a pathetic situation with delusional players on an imaginary stage. such a Woody Allen vibe to it all.

Thursday, December 1, 2011