Wednesday, September 28, 2011


I wish i had this profound story book ability to have this kind of effect on men. Where they are drunk of my presence for all eternity. Where they can't get enough, nothing in the world could pull them away from me. A natural gravitation pull that just happens and both parties sink into it like vanilla ice cream atop of hot sticky date pudding. It could exist, this effect i am speaking of. Commonly mistaken for love i can only quess at this point. I've seen it and I've felt it, i want it on a constant dose like a slow and stead IV.  i can only wield love temporarily it seems and then my appeal must fade away like old perfume. just a faint trail of what the first sprtiz smelled like. Or is this how men are in general? they are on fire for you and nothing could be better and then they overdose and you're just there. You're just left there standing wondering why that flame just got dim. He came and he didn't wait for you. The longer i live the more i don't understand. Consistence is such a rare gift. Consistency paired with love is like finding a natural perfect  huge pearl in the middle of the ocean. I am so simple. I require so little. A drop of water daily to grow. But the only drops of water are the tears that fall from my eyes.

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